Elements of Women's Gymnastics

The world of gymnastics offers much food for athletes to participate in. While most meets or competitions combine a variety of styles together to determine a winner than those who are simply interested in gymnastics as a hobby can study only the styles who are interested, and ignore the other.

One of the most common styles or elements that comes to mind is the word exercise. This is what most people think of when considering the exercise, however, is not the only factor. In the free body, the gymnast performs a routine on a floor that is 12 square meters. The floor has been specially created with the carpet as polystyrene on top of plywood which is suspended on springs to allow a soft landing and more strength to do flips and jumps.

Most of the routine plan in the range of 70 to 90 seconds, with very few to be longer due to physical energy exerted during a workout. The routine is carefully choreographed to highlight specific skills and abilities gymnasts. In a typical routine, the gymnast will carry out various steps in one corner to another, while stringing tricks together.

The second element is the time, resulting in faster sprint down a road that is about 82 feet long and 25 feet and landed in what is called a great council. This pushes up on the horse when the gymnast with the hands holding the head down, before jumping off and landing on a separate platform without wobbling or losing balance. Although this idea sounds like a simple task, this is a skill that can take a long time to master. Many gymnasts also fumbled tricks while mounted on the roof, although this is usually not a requirement.

One of the most popular ways to see both the uneven bars. These are the two horizontal bars that are on the ground and placed at different heights. The bar is set so that you can not leave, and the gymnast is sure to make turns, circles, and various other movements in the bars. In gymnasts common practice to use a trampoline to get to the bottom bar and start their routine from there. To protect your hands as far as possible, most gymnasts leather gloves that are called grip, which also helps keep the grip of the bars. In addition to using the handle, many also use water and cast to help ensure a good grip on the bars. Using just your hands is quite rare as cracks and tears in the skin are possible and the emergence of bubbles is also high. Considered one of the most advanced, young gymnasts are usually not allowed to perform on the uneven bars.

The final item for women is the balance beam. This is a procedure that is everywhere from 60 to 80 seconds and has been carefully choreographed routine, and the plan to highlight the skills gymnasts. Using speed, jumps and acrobatic skills the gymnast performs in the bar taking care that the plane is 125 cm, 500 cm in length, and only 10 cm wide. This tends to be a very advanced because of the balance of power and the force required by the gymnast.

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