Health problems for Electricians

Electricians work in a lot of different settings and may be exposed to different health risks. Some of these health hazards that electricians are exposed to solvents, solder, lead and other materials to name a few. Electricians also sometimes work in small confined spaces. Workers may be injured and killed each year while trying to work in confined spaces. There are many reasons why these spaces can be very dangerous for workers everywhere. People who try and rescue workers of such spaces can also be in danger.

Another danger for an electrician is the risk of death from electric shock. Most people do not realize it, but the current in your home or business can carry enough electrical energy to cause shock and even death. If you come into contact with a living part of a lamp socket when changing a bulb, this could be very dangerous and can kill or injure a person. You can also suffer electrical burns. Molds, fungi and bacteria can also be a health problem for electricians. Electricians working in damp and wet, sometimes. In homes and buildings of molds and fungi can grow on drywall, fabric, wood, ceiling tiles, wallpaper and carpets. Any wet area may be affected by this and can be a health hazard to an electrician.

Risk of falls, trips and slips are also health problems of an electrician. To avoid an electrical accident should watch out for wet or oily surfaces, spills, loose rugs, carpets, slippery floors, poor lighting in the area, the mess on the road, uneven surfaces, walking and other things that can cause injury. Electricians must be aware of their surroundings at all times and the potential danger could be around them.

Electricians can also get eye injury of suspended particles in the air. And they must wear safety glasses when working and the use of tools. Dust, dirt and other particles can fly through the air causing eye injuries. Injury can occur when using certain hand and power tools at work. Sometimes, the electricians can get a possible exposure to asbestos, a health problem. If an electrician is working at heights, should be careful with your foot to keep from falling, tripping and slipping.

An electrician can lose their balance if they are working at heights and climbing stairs. Should ensure that they have made some good work boots that will give them traction on smooth or wet surfaces. Working in hot and cold temperatures can also be dangerous to your health. When working in very hot temperatures there is danger of heat stroke. In colder temperatures the risk of hypothermia. Both of these conditions require immediate medical attention. These are just some of the health problems that electricians need to keep in mind while working on the job.

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