A tattoo?! Are you crazy?!

One certainly does not have to be a sociopath to get tattoos, or the appearance of a tattoo mean that a person is one. However, numerous studies have shown that most sociopaths do have tattoos as one of the strongest common factors. In addition, a known crime writer said in an interview that each of the serial murderers that many had spoken with had multiple tattoos. For many people, tattoos have no negative connotations for those who already have serious personality defects, tattoos are often a very visible symbol of it. For those in the latter category, everything about tattoos has a totally different purpose and meaning than it does to most - why they feel the need to achieve and what they represent.

Psychologists tend to refer to tattoos as "body modification", and most have very strong opinions and knowledge about how tattoos are connected to those in the minority. At the more clearly defined, the psychologists state that for those who already show signs of personality defects, tattoos are nothing more than an extension of anti-social personality. It is said that this type of individuals who engage in drug use, promiscuity and violence, is limited to tattooing of a part of that particular lifestyle.

Psychologists state that these features together with tattoos are associated with subclinical psychopathy. In clearer terms, for this segment of the population, tattooing is another way of "thumbing the nose of an" in society, and showing a sense of self-importance. As one of the foundations of sociopathy is refusing to adhere to what is generally considered acceptable behavior. tattoos because they still have some degree of negativity associated with them are of special attraction for those who already have serious personality problems. For these people, the acquisition of tattoos is primarily a means to challenge the conventional aggressive.

The use of tattoos in this way, it also presents a "tough" image. The problem with this is when one uses what most people are relatively harmless to describe a feeling of hardness, it is rare that the person concerned will stop at works of art. For one who is connected tattoos toughness, aggressive behavior is also a very real possibility.

While this fact is relevant to sociopaths in general, and can not afford to overlook, you need an even darker side to those who commit serious violent crimes. In research on serial murderers, a connection goes much worse about tattoos. Continuing with the factors already evident in the sociopaths, are additional factors causing bodily harm and refusing to let go. In clearer terms, this type of tattoos guys win - often by their own efforts - both as a means of expressing hatred and as a means of permanently holding the objects of their hatred.

On a scale slightly smaller but still important, since most people who fall into the categories of sociopaths and violent criminals were subjected to severe abuse in childhood, it is pertinent to note that it is not unusual at all for them to show, in adult life, tattoos with the name or a symbol that represents their abusive father.

When events like this are taken into account, even when much of the population is not aware of this, no wonder tattoos have a very negative reputation. While most people in the United States choose to get tattoos for no reason and no negative reasons behind it, learning that tattoos are a common standard between sociopaths and serial murderers tend not to less than desirable quality to the whole thing.

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