Tattoos VS. Other Body Art

These days, it is not uncommon that tattoos are associated with other forms of body art. In many areas, especially in large cities, tattoo studios are no longer exclusively tattoo studios, because they also offer piercings. In the combination of these two, two questions arise frequently. First, while many people consider tasteful, well done tattoos as a legitimate form of personal expression through art, a large number in this category also consider body piercing is unacceptable, or at least undesirable. It is difficult to communicate this to young people, especially teenagers, as an increasing number of tattoo studios also offers body piercing. Children naturally assume that if artwork is acceptable, the acquisition of the holes and rings in different parts of their anatomy should also be acceptable.

A second important issue regarding this issue is that while states generally have strict regulations surrounding tattoos, it is not always the case of body piercing. Even when the tattoo is strictly regulated to the extent that minors can not be tattooed, or, in some states that require parental consent for the process, is becoming a growing problem in some areas to drilling body has no such requirements.

There are a couple of serious implications of this fact. First, many parents are rightly considered a violation of the rights of parents to see "artists piercings can affect your parental authority by putting piercings in their minor children, not only without the consent of parents but without his knowledge in advance.

Second, in areas where this can be done legally, there is the issue of health standards. While the general rule is that a person presents with risk factors in writing before getting a tattoo, piercing artists often allow minors to sign health waivers, although this is illegal, sometimes it does anyway.

This opens a "Pandora's box" for both legal and health issues. Legally, minors can not sign these forms, but the health aspect of it is also worth mentioning. As body piercing carries much higher and more frequent risks of infection from tattooing in signing these health waivers the teenager is rarely aware of the importance of these risk factors actually are. Although the risk of infection from body piercing is high enough, in general, can be even more depending on the location of the hole. Having drilled in areas that are normally exposed to saliva, or dirt in the air, is just asking for trouble. However, the piercing artists are often more concerned with making money than they are by the potential health effects to young customers.

Besides these factors, there is also a social stigma. While young people may be correct in assuming that the acquisition of body piercings will impress your friends or other teens immature, it is unlikely to impress anyone. Even if they withstand parental objections, and ignore the dismay of school staff and employers, who have not yet seen the body piercings usually do not go well in the "real world."

Whether one is most concerned with potential health risks of body piercing, or the general consensus of the U.S. population, body piercing has a long way to go before it is considered an acceptable practice. Tattoo lead to a certain degree of valid purpose, in the opinion of most American adults, body piercing has no value for its owner to look less than respectable.

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