Yoga for the non-spiritual

For many people the first image that appears on the head when they think of yoga is an old man sitting in a thong on top of a stone pillar with his legs crossed and arms on his knees. Probably, singing, humming or seems to relaxation and serenity on his face. I'm not a person who likes to sit still and I love every minute I feel so lost is the idea of sitting around doing nothing all day was not something I liked. I changed the initial perception that a lot and in this article I have personal experience has taught me about the benefits of yoga for a spiritual person.

The first yoga class was to spend much time sitting in silence with a bored expression on his face and think: "This is so stupid." I heard the buzz instructor in an inner peace and harmony and balance and energy flowing through my body and I was very close to never return. Then I got lucky.

One of the boys in class he taught at the local university and seemed a bit "strange that a biology teacher would make this spiritual yoga. I had the opportunity to speak with him briefly. He actually found me and noted that it seemed boring. He explained that he felt the same when it started and then translated to the teachers to talk in terms of biology and has been very solid.

It hit me like a ton of bricks. As I thought about it more and more I look at this from a purely scientific point of view. For example, take the "energy" that flows through our body. A lot of people go to get to hear him say this, but the same yoga center. I replaced 'blood' for energy and looked at this thought process again.

I know that the blood carries nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. I know that if our cells are starved of nutrients and supplements can become weak and sick. I know people can get sick if you have high or low blood pressure. The healthy blood flow is clearly a very important factor for us to be healthy. Of course, yoga has been used for hundreds of years and while it would be arrogant to think we know all about circulation and blood flow undoubtedly know more than the average Chinese peasant, from that time. "Energy" is just a nice word that anyone can understand the flow of blood.

Yoga stretching some parts of the muscle and allows blood to flow more freely and carry nutrients to all parts of the body that need it. This is a good scientific explanation that I am happy to accept. You can do the same with the other "alternative" a terminology that does not refer to when you hear the teacher talking about it. Inner peace, unity, peace of mind - which are just a very dressed that focus on one thing - the flow of blood and health that brings in, or breathing and oxygen that gives life takes you . Focus on that for a limited part of this day to be alive and healthy and that his only goal. Forget what happens in the office because you can not do here. Forget what your spouse is doing or if children are being bullied at school and focus on being you, being alive and being healthy.

Now the tension has been attributed as a factor in more than 40% of all medical issues. Stress, in short, is caused by thinking too much. This practice teaches us to leave all these concerns to be something that we can think ahead and leave the brain free to concentrate on making all its vital functions, giving health.

It is strange that, as I did more and more yoga I have developed a spiritual side that I never had before. It is not a religious thing, but rather to recognize that my health and welfare are important and worthy to be a priority. If the same happens to you has not been seen, but if you've been putting off learning yoga or give it a try because of all spiritual discourses I can assure you that there is no scientific reasons behind it and if you give him a chance may be surprised.

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