Once a month cooking

If you're like most mothers around the world, there seems to be enough time or energy at the end of most days to prepare a good home cooked meal you would like to be ready for your family. Unfortunately, cooking a good family meal requires time and energy. A few wise moms have discovered a concept that has become known as once a month or freezer cooking to help in the evenings when time, energy, or both are scarce.

Thinking in the kitchen once a month for one or two days (if you prefer to spread the process over a couple of days shorter than a long day of cooking), an intense culinary your family can eat well for a month . Many women who have tried this have also found that not only help you always have something good and made at home for dinner, but also helps families stay in the budget.

Too guilty mother to raise their hands when asked if they have never resorted to fast food or junk food simply because they were too tired to cook or a missing ingredient for a meal and not feel the run time to store food in order to collect the missing ingredient. This practice can be costly in time and Rob earned his family some "fun money.

There are some important things you should keep in mind if you are considering a once a month for cooking as a way of life for his family. The first thing to remember is that planning is the key. You need to set aside one day (or two) to the kitchen when there is nothing on the calendar. It 's too hard to see all the details if you plan an event around the kitchen car pools, soccer games, practices or dance. It takes a full day will be relatively smooth. If you have a spouse, partner or relative who can take the kids for the day will be the ideal situation. Otherwise, make sure you have a lot of distractions on hand for the little ones or find a way to ask your help with any cutting, chopping, slicing, dicing, or peeling that may be necessary.

It should provide a full menu followed by a list of each ingredient is necessary. Purchases must be made on a different day when you're cooking. This means that it is unlikely to run through the shopping trip and forget something as a result. Bring your menu and your list and everything you need in one trip whenever possible. You can also save money by planning meals for the month based on sales circulars and coupons for the week is to stretch your budget a bit 'too.

Finally, make sure all supplies, dishes and containers to prepare and store the dishes they have prepared properly. You must also ensure that the recipes you are using for your once a month cooking marathon are recipes that freeze well. And 'even better if you double and recipes, so you can get twice the results the same effort.

You should also make sure you are mentally prepared for baking marathon. Beginning with a beautiful kitchen and tidy is a great start. folding card table has a good flat surface to store things out of the way and free up valuable counter space for preparation and assembly of the food they prepare. You should also use as many appliances in the kitchen as possible for maximum efficiency. Do not restrict all the cooking in the oven. Find dishes that freeze well and can be prepared in the crock pot or on top of the range. Once a month cooking is a challenge, but many women will agree it's worth the nights when the thought of cooking seems unbearable and the portfolio has been stretched to the limit.

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